For those seeking training as a single participant ("Individual" or "Solo" training) or with a partner ("Pair" or "Duo" training), please consider the following:
- If there's NO URGENT NEED, look into our MBSE + SYSML LIVE VIRTUAL PUBLIC (Open Enrollment) TRAINING schedule. It's designed to suit customer demand see MBSE + SysML Public Training. To be added to the waiting list for the next PUBLIC TRAINING, please contact us; OR
If you're seeking training for a SMALL TEAM or GROUP (up to 5 members) consider our CLIENT-DEDICATED (Non-Public) MBSE + SYSML LIVE VIRTUAL TRAINING. This training can be customized and scheduled flexibly to cater to your team and project's unique requirements. To discuss details and obtain a FIXED-PRICE-QUOTE featuring a
Small Team Special Discount, please
contact us.