Digital Twin: A Digital Twin is a real-time virtual replica of a real-world physical system or process (i.e., a “Physical Twin”) that serves as its indistinguishable digital counterpart for practical purposes, such as systems simulation, integration, testing, and maintenance. In order to pragmatically achieve indistinguishability between Digital Twins and their Physical Twin counterparts, massive coarse- and fine-grained Modeling & Simulation (ModSim) is typically required. From a pragmatic Systems Engineering perspective, Physical Twins represent "Systems-of-Systems" and Digital Twins represent "Simulations-of-Simulations" of "Systems-of-Systems".
Usage Note: For example, the Griffin Space Vehicle (SV) [fictional SysML example] project plans to massively simulate and automatically V&V the Physical Twin's architecture and design using a Digital Twin.
Compare and contrast: Physical Twin
Physical Twin: A Physical Twin is a relative term that describes the real-world physical System-of-Systems or product upon which is replicated by a virtual Digital Twin.
Usage Note: For example, the ZQ-77 Raptor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) [fictional SysML example] project plans to massively simulate and automatically V&V the Physical Twin's architecture and design using a Digital Twin.
Compare and contrast: Digital Twin