DESCRIPTION: This introductory
Agile DoDAF 2 + UAF training workshop provides students with a solid foundation for applying Model-Based Systems Engineering principles and best practices compliant with the DoD Architecture Framework 2 (DoDAF 2) and Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) standards. The workshop teaches students how to solve practical problems using
Agile DoDAF 2, a lightweight subset of DoDAF 2 viewpoints, and SysML diagram types designed to specify Systems-of-Systems.
Learning modules are punctuated with frequent Q&A sessions and hands-on practice exercises.
This Agile DoDAF 2 + UAF workshop edition is customized to use the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) standard as the specification language, and the MagicDraw architecture modeling tool, to specify DoDAF- and UAF-compliant system architectures. SysML is the industry standard for specifying systems engineering applications. MagicDraw is a popular and award-winning SysML modeling tool. SysML is used in a manner that complies with the UAF (formerly
Unified Profile for DoDAF & MODAF 2 [UPDM 2]) standard.
For versions of this Agile DoDAF 2 + UAF workshop customized for other specification languages (UML 2, ArchiMate 3) and other popular architecture modeling tools, see the
Agile DoDAF 2 + UAF training page.